Phil 4: 4-8

Monday, January 1, 2024

A Life-Changing Story

From a friend's recent e-mail to me:


I was looking for you at the Masses this past weekend over the Christmas holiday.  I wanted to share an experience with you so that you could share it with others. 

My story has been a life changer for me and I am confident that Jesus saved me so that I could share my experience with others. Please feel free to share what I am about to tell you.  

I had my heart attack on December 13, 2022 and I don’t remember much of anything until January 16, 2023, maybe little bits and pieces of things but not much of anything else. I’m told that I was resuscitated three times during my month long ordeal of the heart attack and the amputation of my legs. I’m told that I fought the nurses, had hallucinations and was not a very good patient.   

I woke up the morning of  January 16 about  1 o’clock in the morning and I had this subconscious thought or dream, that I was in this white room laying in a white box, something like a coffin, and there were people walking around this white box counter clockwise with their left hand on the box.  Who they were I have no idea or what they were saying I have no idea. 

The room was pure white and everything just felt so quiet so serene, and just full of love. About 20 feet away, there was this door and beyond the door was the brightest, whitest light you could ever imagine and the feeling of love that was coming through that door was just absolutely overwhelming.  

Everybody eventually started walking out towards the door and I sat up and said, “wait I want to go with you”.  A voice said to me, “it is not your time”.  

I went back to sleep and about two hours later I had another dream, and the essence of the dream was basically that I was talking with somebody, probably my guardian angel, and the conversation was essentially that Jesus died and suffered for me and for my sins and that any suffering that I am doing or any thing that is happening to me going forward needs to be or should be dedicated back to Jesus. 

That morning when the nurses came in, I was the easiest patient that they’ve probably ever dealt with. I was happy, I was positive, I was agreeable to whatever they wanted and I’ve been that way ever since.  

Today I have a very positive attitude and feel that Jesus spared me and wants me to share this experience with all of you. 

Three takeaways from this: 

1) The feeling of the enormous amount of love coming from the doorway is something that I will never forget.  The feeling is diminishing over time but it brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. 

2) People say that they are not ready for death, they have things to do, they can’t leave their family, they want to see their grandchildren grow up.  I can tell you that this feeling never occurred to me not even one second, all I wanted to do was follow those people through that door and be enveloped in the love from the other side. 

3) The voice was a very calm tender voice but there was a firmness in it, I immediately knew that I was not going to argue, this was final, “it was not my time.”

Thank you for your prayers and God Bless you and your family.



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